Sunday, June 19, 2011

"Happy Father's Day - My Heavenly Father!"

Twenty-two years ago, my father passed away on Father’s Day. I never had close relationship with my dad. My dad was character and had a weird philosophy for life. My parents divorce when I was young and after the divorce he was hardly around. I had suffered abandonment issues and emotional abuse too. Also there were times he didn’t financially support us five kids. Over the years I grew to hate my dad. Many of times I wished he would disappear off the face of the earth. Even though I hated my father, I still loved him because he was my father. That is why it hurt so much.

One of the greatest things that happen to me was when I was 16 yrs old; I was converted to the LDS Church. It was during this time period, I developed a relationship with my Heavenly Father. My Heavenly Father broke through the hardness of my heart and He became my Heavenly Abba my Heavenly Daddy. Since that moment He worked on my heart and my deliverance.

One day while I was praying and seeking forgiveness for some sins that I had committed. The Lord spoke into my spirit and said the following "I died for your father on Calvary too!" Wow those words hit me hard and broke through my hardness and right then and there I forgave my father. The Lord gave a new love for my dad.

Over the next following years my Heavenly Father worked on my emotions and my heart. Shortly after my son Jason was born, the Lord led me to ask my dad for forgiveness for my past hatred. I was prayed up and I went to my dad's place to seek his forgiveness. I poured out my heart to my dad and shared with him why I use to hate him. I even shared with him that one point in my life I want to get a 5-pound bag of sugar and pour it in his gas tank of his new Cadillac, so I could hurt him where it counted. But thank God I didn't. After I was done confessing, I asked for his forgiveness.

I was expecting a complete healing between my dad and I. I was hoping that there would be forgiveness and hugs, but it didn't go that way, My father said to me, "Steve you may have legitimate reasons for hating me, but if I had to do it over again, I wouldn't change a thing," Wow! That was like a hit in my gut and it tore me apart. But thank God, I was prayed up in my spirit. I didn't lose my cool and the Lord spoke to me and said "You did what I told you to do, so leave it My hands now."

The following years the Lord just gave me a love for dad and I made sure I spoke to him on weekly bases or send him notes and cards too. With in the two years my dad was at death's door. On his deathbed, he asked for forgiveness and he got his heart right with the Lord and he died peacefully. Those last days with my dad were the closes I felt. I had peace in my heart that some day in the hereafter I will have the relationship with my dad that I always wanted.
I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father delivered me for all that hatred and bitterness. Shortly after my dad's death, I was in prayer and I saw in my spirit me standing at foot of my Heavenly Father's thrown and I saw myself crawling on my Heavenly Father's lap with my face pressed against His bosom and He was filling me with His love. 

I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for filling me with His love. It was His love that made me whole.  I am now looking forward in having my parents sealed in the Temple and I myself being sealed to them.

I am grateful that I have a Heavenly, who loves me and cares for me. Happy Father’s Day – my Heavenly Father!

                            Also Happy Father’s Day Dad!

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