Sunday, June 12, 2011

“Be One In Accord and Purpose”

 “And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”  Ecclesiastes 4:12

When we are by ourselves, the enemy of our soul can easily attack us and cause to fall to the wayside and eventually cause us to lose our salvation.  In the above scripture, it says when there are two of us; we can withstand the wiles of the devil. In 1 Peter 5:8 it states that devil is like roaring lion and seeks whom he can devour. So when the two us are together we are stronger because we are united to fight off the devil attacks, especially if we are in unity and in purpose. It also says in above scripture a threefold cord cannot be quickly broken. That third part of that cord is Jesus Christ. With Him being part of that cord, the enemy can’t destroy us. In Romans 8, it says if God is for us, who can be against us. It also says that nothing can separate us from His love. Because of Him, we are more then conquerors for we can do all things through Christ strengthen us. 

We need to be in one accord and one in purpose in our daily walks. Another words Jesus has to be the center in our lives and in our relationships. In gospel of Matthew 18:20, Jesus says the following, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” When He is in the midst of us, there is love, unity and peace. When He is in the center, we can move forward in doing the Lord’s work. I have two Mormon missionaries friends and they are walking in unity, love and purpose, because Jesus is the center in their lives and they are about doing His will. Since they are walking in one accord, the Lord is opening doors for them to minister the Word of God. The fields are white and ready to harvest and all they have to do is put their sickle to the field and bring in the harvest.

I would like to encourage you to put Jesus daily in the center of your life and in the following areas: your relationships, your work place and in all that you do. We put Jesus on the thrown of our hearts, but due to our own pride and ego, we push Him off the thrown. When that happens, we go off track and lose our way and fall into sin. So when that happens, I would encourage you to repent and place Him again on thrown of your heart. Another words let Jesus take the driver seat in your car and let Him do the driving. He will take you to the places so you can be His living epistles. What better way can one share His love?


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