Sunday, May 22, 2011

“Brother and Sister Sandpaper”

  “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13:34,35

 ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Matthew 22:39b

 Have you ever notice that the Lord places in our lives, certain people in order to challenge our daily walk in the Lord? When were around these person, one cannot help witness their character flaws. Their flaws are blaring in our faces and cause us to point our fingers at them and make judgment on them. As we point our fingers at them, one cannot help notice that same hand were pointing with has three fingers pointing back at us. They are pointing back to us to show us that we have same problem in our lives.

These flaws are sins in our lives that we need to repent of, in order for us to grow become the person Our Heavenly Father wants us to be. Sometimes these individuals can drive us up the wall because they get on our last nerve. The reason why they are getting on our nerves because the Lord is using this person as a piece of sandpaper to smooth out the rough edges. The sandpaper causes to repent and change our ways all together. It will hurt for a while, but the benefits are worth it.

What are some of those rough edges are like our pride, anger, un-forgiveness, selfishness, and etc. The Lord is using this person, so we can repent and change our ways. I would like to share an experience that I had several years ago. The Lord was using this certain individual to teach me love, patience, long suffering and endurance to see things through.

Several years back, I was a pastor of pastoral care and work with a person who was my sister sandpaper. This person was the Church’s secretary. This person was my best friend’s girlfriend and they both tie the knot in marriage. At first this certain individual and I were best friends too, but as the Lord raised me to certain positions in the church, problems came between us. Her attitude towards me was cold, indifferent and sarcastically at times. I felt, I had to walk on eggshells around her and made my life at times like living hell. I had office in the basement and I would stay in there to avoid her all together. At times I was damn if I did and damn if I didn’t.

This all came to ahead on this particular night when I visiting the both of them at best friend’s place. I said something innocently and this person attitude towards me turn to anger and very cold towards me. I had just about had enough of it and I left my friend’s place. His apartment was about fifty feet away from my house. By time I got into my place I was full rage of anger. I am a person that doesn’t get anger that easy and if I do I am over it all together easily. Well that night I was full steam and I had reached my breaking point. When I enter my door, my daughter told me that church secretary was on the phone. So I got the phone and she started to apologize, but I told her that wasn’t accepting it and that I had enough of it and I didn’t want anything to do with her. I felt justified in my anger and it felt good too. I would be damn to be treated that way again.

The next morning, I still felt justified, but the Lord was working on my heart. I started to be convicted about my anger, but I was trying to rationalize it, so I could how onto to it.

As I was being convicted, I called my prayer partner to see if I was justified on holding on this anger. Thank God, I have godly prayer partner. She encourage me to enter my prayer closet and ask the Lord’s help in this matter so my heart can be changed.

So I went into my prayer closet and got on my knees and ask the Lord to change my attitude. I was on my knees for least half hour pleading with the Lord and I ask Our Heavenly Father to give a love for that person. As I got off my knees, I was consumed with love for this person. As it says in 2 Nephi 4:21 “He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh.” I called this person and made arrangements to see her later. We both asked each other for forgiveness when meet later that afternoon.

In following days this person’s attitude didn’t change and at times it got worse. But my attitude towards her did change all together. I had a godly love for her and no matter what she threw my way, I return it with love. I not only showed her love, but also went out of my way to bless her. It says in Proverbs 25:22 “For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee.” My actions were consume with love for this person and showered her honor and encouragement. A year went by and nothing changed, until this particular morning. This person asked to speak to me and when she did one can see her heart was changed too. She asked for forgiveness and it was there all ready. We both cried and embraced and we felt the love of Lord consumed the both of us. This person always shared that my love and kindness made it difficult for her to hold on her ill feelings. That morning the Lord restored the both of us.

I learn through my sister sandpaper to love unconditionally, patience, long suffering and encouragement. It is my prayer when brother and sister sandpaper shows up in your life, enter your prayer closet and ask Our Heavenly Father to give you a love for this person and when He does, step aside and watch God’s miracle.     

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