Saturday, April 23, 2011

"The Love of My Life!"

“Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.”
Proverbs 18:22

This coming Monday April 25, 2011 is my 30th Wedding Anniversary. It seems like just yesterday my wife Deanna and I exchange our wedding vows at my grandmother’s house and yet it seems like eons ago. I can testify to the above scripture that finding my lovely wife was and is good thing. I am a firm believer that Our Heavenly Father has a mate for each one of us and it is up to us to be sensitive to promptings of the Holy Ghost to find our mate. In the next few lines I will share with in how Lord lead me to meet my wife.

Over the years I had gone on several dates and had crushes on some beautiful young ladies, but nothing came out of it. When I was 28 years old, I ran into a two-year dry period and I came up with the notion that I will never find my mate. I resigned to the fact that I would be single for the rest of my life and if it was meant for me to have a wife; I placed that in Our Heavenly Father’s hands’.

In 1979, I moved into my first apartment without having a roommate and I was enjoying my own space and my bachelorship. It was Memorial Day weekend; I was looking out my bedroom window when I saw this attractive lady and her daughter moving boxes out their car. At first sight I was smitten and in my spirit I felt she was the one. Deanna and Michelle were moving in the apartment above me. I went down and I introduced myself and offered my services in helping her to move her boxes. When I looked in Deanna’s eyes. I fell in love with those beautiful blue eyes and I knew she was the one. One could say I melted as I gazed into eyes. After moving her boxes in, I invited her in for a fresh pot of coffee. As we drank our coffee we became instant friends and also with daughter Michelle. I found out later that Dee fell in love with me that same day and she knew I was the one for her. On August 15, 1980, I proposed to Deanna and we became engaged. Being a modern couple of the 80’s, we end living together as a family for short period of time. On our wedding night, I felt the Lord blessed our union and He became part of our marriage. The following web link is a link to our special song.

A couple years after our Wedding Day, on Sweetest Day in October of 1983, I wrote this following poem.

“My Darling Wife”
by C. Stephen Rogers
I sit and ponder my life was before,
And the joy I feel is like a rare wine that is flowing over its’ goblet.
My job is being in love with a beautiful wife,
A wife that has given me life and reason to rejoice.

Before you came into my life, it was a world of darkness,
A world of corruption, anxiety and fear.
But now I have meaning and for being alive.
I was like stagnated water, and through your love, I was purified and refreshen.
When I have my arms around you, the feelings are hard to describe.
It is like I have the world wrapped in my arms.
When I look at you, my heart jumps several beats
When my lips are pressed to yours, my darling wife,
The passion I feel are like bombs bursting in mid-air.

Yes, my dear Deanna, I am in love with you.
When I think I have reached the bottom of that well of love
I find it goes deeper and deeper.
The love I feel is complete and ever rejoicing and over flowing.
I love thee dear wife and I have counted the ways.
And the ways spell love for you and only for you.
I can testify that Our Heavenly Father has brought us together and He has blessed our union by giving us four beautiful and fantastic children. And He also blessed us with five beautiful grandchildren. Yes Deanna and I had our problems over the years, but it is those periods one stands firm and put one’s hand to the plow and then you move forward trusting God to work it out for you. As I told Dee over the years she is only one could make me the maddest and same token the happiest. I remember way back, Dee and I were going through a dry period in our marriage and we just kept moving on. Then all suddenly I looked at Dee sleeping on the couch and silently snoring away and that instant I fell in love with her all over again.
I am blessed man to have my beautiful wife standing at my side for past 30 years, and I am looking forward to next 30 years, if God is willing. It also my heart’s desire to take Deanna to Lord’s Temple and being sealed for all time and eternity. Deanna is not only love of my life, but she is my best friend. In conclusion I leave following link to a web page that expresses our love for each other.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Steve to you and Deanna! 30 years together is something really special. You 2 are strong and still love each other, keep it going 30 more years!
